HOLI (Fagu) : Cultural and Scientific Discussion : Prakash Kumar Sah


A festival of color, Holi, according to astrologer’s dated on Falgun full moon is celebrated. In context of Hindu, it is celebrated two days: first day as Holika Dahan, : on the same day, persons of mountain region plays as a color day- and second day in Terai of Nepal gets a day of victory of true. So, thereafter they celebrate having different food, dress and color culture. It is much famous in the mid of Indian sub-continent.

Everyone looks happy and romantic from ‘Satyayug’ to till date on the same day. There is a story related to this festival in Hindu Philosophy. It is a social scientific and  empirical studies of different scholars in the Eastern Philosophy and Dharma.

Nrisimha refers half man and half lion who incarnated to avoid cruelty and false of the same family to universe. By hook and crook, Nrisimha on the gate from pillar God Vishnu reincarnated on this perishable life.

After the murder of Demon King Hiranya Kashipu, all gods, human and nature become free from negative power. In this month/season , this festival reflects the dry food items; coconut, date, nut, almond, dried grape is prioritized. Its cultural value is connected to vitamin and EHP for body. It makes our body oily and smooth. On the same day the dressing of white to gents and red to ladies represent sacred, prosperous and happiness in this season ;the king of season. The color becomes catalyst for hormone makes person to continue the good generation like Prahalad; the Truth.

Color awakens our mind to be fast in each action- the base of fate. I have presented the scientific preach presented by pt. Basudev Mishra of Bhuvaneshwar, India in his own language regarding Holi festival and Holika Dahan. The connection of human,god and energy  with incarnation of  holy figure.

The Science of Holika Dahana.

Holika Dahana – burning of Holika, the demoness, is associated with Nrisimha Avatara. The story is that the Demon King Hiranya Kashipu had a son named Prahlada, who was a devotee of Lord Vishnu. The father tried to dissuade him, but failed. Once he called Holika , a relative, who got a boon that she will not be burnt by fire, and told her to jump into fire with Prahlada in her lap. This way, Prahlada would get killed. But Prahlada prayed to Lord Vishnu and due to His blessings, Holika got killed in the fire, while Prahlada escaped unhurt. That day is celebrated by burning the image of Holika.

In the changing social scenario, some ignorant people equate it with burning of women and brand it as a cruel act. But the story is not real and depicts great science in a popular language for easy comprehension of laymen. Since it is related to Avatara, it is necessary to know the science of Avatara too.

Transformation can be of two types: evolution and incarnation. When something changes while retaining its own essential features and form, it is called evolution. When the transformation involves only a part and not the whole, and it is for a specific purpose, it is called incarnation – Avatara . The word Avatara literally means “coming down as savior”. When a cosmic catastrophe occurs , the Omnipresent Universal Controller intervenes  in that part (this is His coming down – paying special attention to a limited part) to bring order.

The first such intervention was after the creation began from a singularity, where everything was in equilibrium – hence not perceptible. There are different types of Avataras. The most famous is the Dashavatara  – the ten incarnations, which is related to the evolution of the universe, and which occur (with one exception), after about every 432000 years. The time frame of the evolution is divided into two parts: 5 formative evolution and five non-formative and destructive evolution. Nrisimha Avatara  took place during the first half as the 4th Avatara.

The universe is called Jagat because everything in it is ever moving . The motion is of two types: wave motion  like the motion of a person drunk with wine– moving straight, but in a wavy motion, and those who move in a highly tortuous path going round and round. The first are perceptible because they radiate out . Hence they are called Suraah. The others do not radiate, but become more massive due to their nature of confinement in layers. Hence they are called Asuraah . The protons are Suraah and neutrons are Asuraah. In the macro universe, Jupiters  and black holes  are their equivalent. The continuous conversion of protons into neutrons and vice versa is called fight between them.

The universe is known to be inside a Cosmic Microwave Background, whose temperature has been measured to be about 1% of the absolute temperature or 2.725 Kelvin. This is very cold and is called Apomaya Parameshthi . The first Matshya Avatara  was related to the first development of forms in the universe after the initial expansion came to a halt due to friction generated by the background to create a bow-shock effect (seen when a boat is pushed into still water). This led to back reconnection that created a chain reaction.

Since the radiation has a wavy motion like a person drinking wine, it is called Kashyapa . Since everything was created out of such radiation, everything is called a derivative of Kaashyapa. When it slowed down, it led to formation of giant nebulae. These nebulae were formed out of primordial radiation. These nebulae have the shape of a tortoise – with a flat underbelly with a semi-spherical disc both ways. From these nebulae, everything starting with galaxies were formed. They do not move or spread out . Thus, the second Kurma Avatara is related to formation of the background material on which the churning started to create everything.

Nrisimha Avatara is related to formation of protons and neutrons. One basic principle enunciated by the Vedas is that we cannot describe massive objects completely. This is because we “see” massive objects when their radiation reaches our eyes. Except or without the radiation, we cannot see the object. But when we touch it, we cut out the radiation and touch the body that emits radiation. Thus, what we see (the radiation) is not what we touch (mass). Either way, we cannot define the object properly. Initially, the radiating galaxies and their central black holes were created. We could not see the black hole, which provided mass to the structure. We could only see the galaxies, which are shining very brightly, making it difficult to observe.  The central black hole sitting on the lap of the galaxy is called Hiranya Kashipu because it tried to controll the outward motion of the radiation of the galaxy by its pressure of collapsing inwards. However, the galaxy churned its inside out (macro equivalent of proton-nuclear conversion) to shine brightly. The Avatara is called Nrisimha because of its tendency of getting the desired effect through churning inside out.

In this process, extensions of the radiating arms came out, which are called its off-spring, because it is similar to the mother structure? When such arms are symmetrical like in spiral galaxies, it looks very pleasant. Milky Way galaxy has four such arms. These are called Samhrada, Anuhlada, Hlada and Prahlada respectively. Of these, the interior one is called Prahlada. Since it is nearer to the central black hole, there is exchange of force between it and the magnetic field of the black hole. The magnetic field is called Hola or Holika because it changes polarity from time to time . Since the interior arm survives the interaction with the black hole through the magnetic field , it is described as Prahlada getting unburnt by Hola, who herself gets damaged. Since this process is repeating everywhere from the universe to a pole , it is said that Nrisimha appeared from a pillar . Since there is no concept of day or night there, it is said that the time was evening, which is neither day nor night.

There are eight gluons. These are called Vasu in our scriptures. The quarks are confined by these eight gluons in eight different ways. Since these are the characteristics of Anushtup, it is said to represent Nrisimha. The last question is why Holika dahana is celebrated one day before Full Moon Day of Falgun or the advent of spring. Spring is important for procreation. It is also related to fertility cycle. Spring is the best period for fertility. It is marked by a change over from cold to warm season. It is also marked by the large varieties of flowers and leaves that spring up to life. People contact cold during this change over period. Hence, the previous night, people gather around fire to give up the last vestige of cold. The next day, then apply the dried and powdered leaves and flowers to their body and take a thorough bath, which cleanses the bodies. This natural principle is enforced by making it ritualistic.

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